Thursday, August 31, 2006

Also 2 weeks ago I went to Glastonbury for the day. The festival is unfortunately not on this year but its a grand place to visit anyway. Very different thats for sure, no chain shops AT ALL, all the shops have something to do with africa, india, witches or second hand clothes, so basically suits me just fine. Did the tourist thing and walked up to the Tor while I was there. This is where, according to legend, King Arthur is buried, or its one of the suggested sites at least. It's really beautiful and the walk is so worth it when it is followed by tea and cake at one of the gorgeous little cafes in town.
The photo on the right is of me and my aunt Caro (who I have been pretty much living with for the past 6 weeks). As you can see its kinda windy when you get up to the Tor:) The photo on the left is the Tor, quite a tourist attraction as you can see:)