Birthday #4
Friday, November 03, 2006
So as you can see from the previous pictures, people were pretty merry, included my young sister Sarah who was joined by Nicohlas in a big way! So you can imagine the joy of waking up early to got thru to Kent for Birthday #4. Not only were Sarah and Nic hanging like a pair of bulldogs balls, but they were also about to come face to face with my mothers entire family!
Im happy to say no blood was shed. It was a good chilled Saturday night, with more cakes and more singing:)
Oh plus we had ruth fantastic circus tricks to gett he party started:) How cool is that?????
Sunday, November 05, 2006
heya miss wynne! just wanted to say hi! looking forward to seeing you! Jase is leaving g-town today - wow - where has the year gone!!!