more edinburgh...
Monday, November 20, 2006

so you may ask-why why why had jen taken a photo of a school kids back pack????
in order to undertsand the second photo you need to look at the first. in Edinburgh, every day at one o' clock there is something called the one o' clock gun. So basically everyday at 1 a loud bang tells everyone that its is one o'clock. now dont ask me why-perhaps the wrist watch has not reached the friendly nation of scotland-im not sure, but this is what happens. so se and i decide it is a grand plan to head off to the castle to see this one o' clock gun going off ;) unfortunately, jen the nob, who is so ready and poised to take a photo of the gun going off, got a major fright when the explosion arrived and the ground shook, that she jumped a metre-but still (luckily) managed to remember to press the button on the camera-good job!
Thursday, November 23, 2006
I live in Edinburgh (three months now) and still havent heard that damn bell! But for interests sake - its a old tradition from when sailors needed accuate time to navigate by. The gun would go and anyone in port could set their instruments accordingly
Happy Travelling!